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 Видео на английском с субтитрами о мотивации и успехе от Брайан Трейси



>>Английский язык >>Видео на английском языке с субтитрами

Мотивирующие видео на английском языке с английскими субтитрами от Брайан Трейси

Брайан Трейси - известный мотиватор на достижение целей и успехов. В своем видео он рассказывает, как добиваться то, чего ты хочешь. Вы узнаете про секреты достижения успехов у богатых людей. Вы измените свое отношение к жизни и станете более энергичны и продуктивны.

Брайан Трейси в своих мотивирующих роликах говорит достаточно умеренной, небыстрой речью. Вам будет легко уловить суть видео, а субтитры помогут вам в этом.
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Tips to Structure Your Day
(Несколько приемов, как структурировать свой день)

0:00here's some ideas on how to structure your day for maximum productivity
0:04and output many from Facebook recently asked me
0:08how do you structure your day so here's some tips
0:11help you structure your day to be more productive and successful
0:15number one every minute spent in planning
0:19saves 10 minutes in execution or getting the job done
0:23so the most important thing you can do is plan your day
0:27preferably the night before sit down with the piece of paper and write down
0:31everything that you have to do
0:33the coming day it should be the last thing you do with the end of the day
0:36now if for any reason you don't do this then the first thing you do in the
0:41before you check your email your phone calls newspapers
0:45first thing you do in the morning is make a list a everything but you have to
0:49bad day what you have a list you have a track to run on
0:53weighing down a list clarifies you're thinking writing down a list forces you
0:58to think at a higher level
0:59if you use are working from a list you increase your productivity and output
1:03by 25 percent the first day all successful people work from list
1:08and all successful people with regard to their projects were from
1:13checklist a checklist is West everything organized in sequence
1:17and you go down the checklist and the second way that you can organize your
1:21days to set priorities
1:22on your list before you begin don't just rush into it
1:26look over the list and apply the 80/20 rule
1:30if you have canned items to do on your list to will be more valuable
1:34than the other a put-together sometimes is the 90/10 rule
1:38if you have ten items on your list one will be important
1:41more important than all the others put together going on your list and ask
1:45yourself this question:
1:46if I could only do one thing on this list before I was called
1:49out of town for it for a month what want ask where I want to be sure
1:54to complete now in my life I'm called out of town for a week two weeks three
1:59weeks sometimes a month
2:00all the time last fall I was out of town and traveling
2:04in 15 countries over 36 days so I have to look at my work west before I go
2:09and I have to get my most important task
2:11stun so would you identify this task leads to the next way to organize your
2:17is begin immediately on your most important task
2:20and then stay with that until it's complete all
2:24other success in life comes from project completion
2:28it comes from taking jobs and a project is called a multi task job
2:32Emmys are several don't jobs within the larger job and what you do is you
2:36organize your projects by sequence
2:39the checklist and then you start on your most important project
2:42and then you stay with that project until it's complete this process is
2:47single handling it's the most powerful
2:50success strategy that you can use in managing your time
2:55you can actually increase your productivity by fifty percent
2:59by simply starting and completing your most important task
3:03first thing every day so you can do those three things
3:06star with the list organize service by priority
3:09and then start on and complete your most important task you can double and triple
3:14your productivity
3:15sometimes almost overnight thanks for listening
3:19this is Brian Tracy on success talk did you like this episode
3:22make sure to subscribe for the next one and tell a friend about it
3:27for exclusive content on sales training leadership
3:30business and personal success visit me at Braintree C dot com
3:35and why you're there sign up for my newsletter until next time
3:39do the things today that will lead to the life that you desire tomorrow

Building the Courage to Break Out of Your Comfort Zone
(Нарабатываем мужество, чтобы выйти из зоны комфорта)

0:00perhaps the most important quality that you can develop
0:03for success and happiness in life is the Quality Inn
0:06courage with a church Owen said courage is rightly considered the foremost
0:12other virtues for upon it all others to pan
0:15there several forms of courage to you can develop
0:18with practice these different forms of courage will help you to achieve
0:23great success that is possible for you and they're all
0:27learnable with practice in other words you can actually be calm
0:31and absolutely I'm afraid person I practicing courage whatever the
0:36requires it the first form of courage
0:39is the courage to dream big dreams and is said
0:43big goals this is where most people are stopped
0:46the very idea of selling be challenging exciting worthwhile goals
0:51sometimes a column be hogs big hairy audacious goals
0:54to very challenging doing that is so overwhelming that most people quit
0:59before they even begin think are I could never do that
1:02I think all the reasons why they might fail all the money they might lose and
1:07then it shut themselves down
1:09even before they get started but this is not for you
1:13sit down and write out your goals as it anything more possible for you
1:17sit down and right out your goals as it
1:20anything where possible for you and never be afraid to dream
1:24big dreams the second type of courage you can develop
1:29is the courage to make it total commitment throwing yourself
1:34into whatever it is you decide to do all successful people on my experience are
1:40people who are living
1:41fully engaged they are fully involved in their lives
1:45and their goals they don't do things by half measures
1:48that may have no guarantees but I'm not afraid to put the whole heart
1:53into their activities if they fail
1:56they fail by trying greatly not by playing it safe
2:00wishing and hoping that everything will work out
2:04alright in the future what they do is they take great risks
2:08with no guarantee of success and so can you
2:11the third type have carried you need is the courage to
2:14move out of your comfort zone it's the courage to move
2:18into your zone after discomfort where you feel
2:21awkward and clumsy and sometimes alone become persona is one of the greatest
2:26enemies human potential and I V your potential when people get into a comfort
2:31zone me
2:32strive to stay in that comfort zone even if there are happy with their situation
2:37often their whole lives pass them by
2:40while they're furnishing in reinforcing their little right
2:43median performance you need the courage to continue
2:48move yourself in the direction I've your biggest goals
2:52and ambitions you need to be willing to face discomfort
2:55in order for you to grow you need the courage to launch in faith
3:00with no guarantees of success someone once wrote
3:04if every obstacle must first be overcome nothing
3:08whatever get done courageous people are those who have a dream
3:13and set a call they make a plan and they take the first step with no assurances
3:19and no guarantees that their efforts will result in success
3:22however if you look up on every step forward
3:26as a learning experience and every setback is a valuable lesson that has
3:30sent to you make you stronger and better he will not be afraid to live chin faith
3:36into the unknown you need the courage to risk failure
3:40he need the courage to endure constant setbacks and disappointments
3:44and temporary defeat you need to learn to deal with failure by realizing
3:49that failure isn't indispensable prerequisite
3:53for success you can succeed without failing
3:56and failing lot times from that wonderful quote from Thomas J Watson
4:01senior the founder IBM
4:03he said if you want to be successful faster you must double
4:07your rate a failure shed success lies
4:11on the far side a failure you need the courage to treat failure as an
4:16opportunity to more intelligently
4:18begin again you need to overcome the fear of failure by doing the things you
4:23over and over until the fear is gone
4:27and then by resolving a balance rather than break
4:30when things don't work out for you you need the courage to turn
4:34toward danger continuously to face the things you fear
4:39now identify all the fear situations in your life that cause you stress or
4:44today decide with the worst possible outcome
4:47each in these situations might be resolve to accept the worst
4:51should occur and then take action to resolve
4:55is to the situations refused to allow of your situation to remain in your life
5:00dominating your thinking and emotion 10 holding you back
5:04you need the courage to be willing to make mistakes and learn from them
5:08all P performers continually make decisions make mistakes
5:11we learn from them pick themselves up self correct
5:15and carry on successful people are not those who necessarily
5:19make the right decisions all the time but by hanging in there they make their
5:24right if they make a mistake accepted they learn as much as possible from it
5:29failing making mistakes and carry on
5:33the bar you fail and the more mistakes you make the smarter you become
5:37and the more likely it is that you will eventually achieve your goals
5:42you also need the courage to accept complete responsibility for your life
5:46which means to take ownership for results
5:49you need the courage to refuse to make excuses or to defend yourself
5:53you need the courage to say over and over again
5:57hi am responsible I am responsible
6:01and refused to blame anybody else with something goes wrong
6:05you focus on the solution rather than me problem
6:08or the person you ask what do we do from here
6:12what's the next step what's the solution what action should we take
6:16you can't pick yourself up and carry on
6:19extracting the wheat lessons from the situation
6:23and throwing away the chain the things that happened that you
6:26cannot change the final courage you need
6:30is the courage to persist longer than anyone else
6:35persistence is the quality that what ultimately guarantee your success
6:39your willingness to persist in the face a every adversity
6:43can be your greatest asset the ability to persist is the number one quality for
6:48success in
6:48every field in life it can be the one factor
6:52that guarantees your success in the end
6:56if you refuse to quit you must ultimately succeed
7:00just as in baseball you won't ultimately hit a home run unless you keep on
7:05in 30 years a study successful people I've discover one factor over and over
7:11know it was ever defeated until the accepted defeat
7:14has a reality kno Inc at ever defeat you
7:19bite yourself thanks for taking time to lessen
7:23I hope you found these ideas useful
7:26please visit WWW dot Brian Tracy dot com
7:30my newsletters to sign up for my free weekly newsletters
7:34and my goal setting guide

Four Ways to Find a Job You Really Want
(4 способа найти работу, о которой мечтаете)

0:00hello I'm Brian Tracy you know a lot of people are out of work today and if
0:04you're not at work you probably will be
0:06sooner or later and your ability to get the right job
0:10but the right wage doing the right thing with the right people in the right
0:14is one of the most important skills you develop as a life skill
0:18and in this time that we spend together I'm going to teach you some great ideas
0:22that I have talked to thousands of people who are job seekers
0:26or job changers and revolutionizes their life
0:30and their business future so turn which really worth
0:33you have to be in the right job in the first place by the way
0:38most people should be earning much more then earning today
0:42but they're doing the wrong thing in the wrong way at the wrong place
0:45and they need to make a change sometimes you can earn more just by walking across
0:50the street and getting a new job
0:52if you're special talents and skills could be used to
0:55get more valuable results for a different employer
0:59remember everything in life his results
1:02now this is a challenging time in human history to be
1:07out in the job market in working to survive
1:10and try have my ways not going to get much better in the years to come. the
1:14economy has changed for ever however in spite of problems in the economy there
1:19countless opportunities and possibilities for counting people like
1:24to find or create great jobs and earn more
1:27and me ever have before and you should be one out there
1:31now the first key is to do your homework
1:34when you're looking for the job you want you engage in the same activities in a
1:38sales professional way
1:40three activities essential to sales success
1:44are prospecting presenting and following up
1:47your job is to prospect Thorley
1:52and develop the greatest number a leads or potential jobs that you possibly can
1:57then you meet with and make presentations
2:01to as many prospective employers as possible
2:04and heard you follow up but very best opportunities
2:08until you get the job you want one of the most important keys to success in
2:14selling today
2:15is what is called pre call research do your homework
2:20find out everything that you possibly can about the
2:23individual the Organization in the industry before you call I
2:27anyone for the first time I've been amazed
2:32we will advertise online Craigslist
2:35or Monster dot com or one of the other our resources
2:39to fine people for jobs in our company had people will actually and I
2:44call up and %uh send in their resumes and we'll
2:47phone and was a I did you read
2:50our website too you know anything about our business and their silence
2:55on the other hand they say will know I I didn't I i
2:59I for got I I sort of meant to we say thank you so much for calling
3:03and hang up a person who hasn't done simply call research
3:07before they call you for a job as a person who you know
3:11the beginning would be totally useless human being
3:14these people are too lazy to even
3:18click on a mouse to find out what you do fortunately
3:22the good news is that with the Internet he would do more and better
3:26research in a few minutes as ever before been possible in human history
3:30and you cannot imagine how impressive it is
3:33when a job candidate calls on a person with a file for the information on that
3:39and his or her organization an industry it gives you a critical hit
3:44when the employer makes the final decision this critical which can
3:48open the door for you that can change the entire direction of your life now
3:55let's talk about
3:56internet job search getting the job on the internet is not easy
4:00my two hey nothing worthwhile in life is easy
4:04but getting a job on the Internet is a skill that you must learn through
4:09you start by visiting the main internet job sites like Careerbuilder
4:14that you see advertised around you if you don't know where to start
4:18go to a search engine such as Craigslist or AOL and being
4:22and even Google of course in go to the employment section
4:27examine the various job categories and then read the job description per person
4:32positions that are being offered
4:35get as much information as you possibly can about the various job sites
4:40some internet job sites specialize in one kinda employees
4:44and some specialized in another summer local
4:48and summer national when you list on internet job site
4:52your resume your information become instantly available
4:55to potential employers nationwide
5:00there are many opportunities for you to post a brief description of your
5:04and the job you're looking for at no charge some sites will charge you
5:08a placement fee but these are usually worth it because they're
5:11much more aggressive in tracking potential employers to the site
5:16remember her you always get what you pay for it in life
5:19and if you pay nothing and don't expect to get anything of value
5:24they're also job career fairs held in every community
5:28every year and sometimes every month these are advertised in the newspaper
5:32and on the radio you should visit the job fairs and talk to the various
5:37employers exhibiting their find out what they're looking for
5:40today and what they will be looking for
5:43in the future even if you're currently employed keeps own she's
5:48everywhere you grow so that you can create a rich harvest
5:52employment opportunities for the future
5:56the more she to sell the more likely it is that you're going to get the job
6:01you really want when you do your research
6:04look for the names a decision makers look for the names have key people in
6:08various companies and
6:10departments that companies especially look for the names of those who have
6:14been recently promoted
6:16sometimes these appear in the newspapers in the business section or even in the
6:21Business Journal's they're available in most cities
6:24people have been recently promoted often make immediate staff changes
6:28and create job opportunities for people who just
6:31call so whenever you see someone has been promoted call them up
6:35and say look I player congratulates you on your new position
6:39as it happens I'm looking for a job in that area and I wanted very worthwhile
6:43for us to talk
6:44you'll be amazed and how many people's careers change
6:48with that little action look for active growing organizations and companies
6:54in your community that are announcing and expansion
6:58or and housing increase profitability
7:01their opening a new branch around the office or their profits last year
7:05went up dramatically these companies are always looking for more
7:09good people here's a rule that every business owner knows
7:13the key to your growth is to hire good people the more good people you can hire
7:18the past you can grow up and the more profit you can make
7:21to basic economic principles these companies
7:24that are growing offering lots of opportunities and
7:28they will pay well for them right skills
7:31especially if you're the one who has them another way to find a job is look
7:35for new product releases
7:38any introductions add new services by company's local and national
7:42whenever a company is expanding its products or services their job
7:46opportunities to
7:47sell a product distribute the products service the product
7:50install the product and handle the administration in details
7:54associated with the product remember limiting factor in the growth of the
8:00is finding good people to help the business grow
8:03and if you're a good person and your job is to find people
8:07that you can help whenever you see a company that is expanding
8:12and executive who has been promoted from the company immediately
8:16and tell the person you talk to the teacher looking for a job in that
8:20and this company as a interest to you ask the receptionist for the name
8:24the person you should speak to you arranged to go in and see the person it
8:28interview for a job
8:30it's absolutely amazing how many great job opportunities you get
8:34uncover by simply taking action on the news and information
8:38all around you about the businesses and industries
8:41that you want to work and
8:45when you go out to get a job you must sell yourself professionally
8:49the job interview is really a sales call
8:53you are in sales when you're looking for a job you're going out to sell yourself
8:57to someone else
8:58and you're going to charge a lot of money for your product
9:02type in China you get and the type of salary you command
9:06will be a measure how well you have soldiers self
9:10at this critical point in your career
9:13now many people don't like the idea of selling Bay don't like to see themselves
9:17as salespeople
9:19unfortunately this is the type that attitude that leads
9:22to underachievement in life because it leads to being passive
9:26rather than active it leads to feeling inferior
9:29rather than feeling powerful it leads to accepting well
9:33people offer by the asking for what you want
9:38the fact is that everyone who wants to sell his or her ideas or services to
9:43is a salesperson the only question is whether or not I'm
9:46your any good at it use these ideas to get into the workplace
9:51and get the job you really want

Стр. 12

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Стр 1,  23


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